IT Sector

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ASL service for IT Sector

IT sector related services?

With the growth of the IT sector, every year require to need special cleaning service to concentrate on the emerging IT sector. We are a trusted name for cleaning service for IT Sector in Pune and PCMC area. Day by day our portfolio of IT sector clients is an increase. ASL offers customize cleaning services for the IT sector.

Over 30+ Plus client for IT Sector

In our portfolio already 40+ clients are trusted on our service. you can check it out

Office Cleaning

Dusting of furniture, Dusting and cleaning of partition glasses and light fixtures, Removal of dirt and dust, Polishing of hardwood surfaces

Desk cleaning

Dusting of cushions, ceilings, telephones, desks, chairs and tables, General Dusting of computers, keyboards, mouse, etc., Carpet vacuuming, Cleaning individual cubicles/workstations.

Furniture cleaning

Vacuuming of all sofas, upholstery and curtains, Polishing all furniture, Proper cleaning of all electrical and electronics equipment.

Services we provide

Toilet Cleaning

Showers and Taps, Windows & Exhaust Fan Floor and Tile Scrubbing, Cobweb removal Shelves and cabinets from outside and open Mirror and Glass Cleaning, Water closet and wash basin

Electrical Maintains

Operation and maintenance of all types of electrical installations such as HT/LT Panels, ATS,VCBS, Transformers, HVAC, Chillers, AHU,s, PAC,s ,UPS, All circuit breakers, Fire panels,

Sanitization and Pest control

EPA Grade general sanitization, Floor Sterilization- Use of cleaning and disinfecting Chemicals & sophisticated Machinery to remove deep layers of dirt.

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